"Autumn on Washington Street"

Giclee Print
Size: 12" x 19"

 $85.00 unframed


    "Autumn in Galena"
Size: 8.75" x 14" - Edition 500

Price: $

 $60.00 unframed



    "Fountain in Grant Park"
Size: 16" x 11" - Edition 500

Price: $60.00 unframed

    Galena in Winter.jpg (342944 bytes) "Winter in Galena"
Size: 36.5"x11.5"- Edition: 500

Price: $100.00 unframed


    galenasummer.jpg (25111 bytes) "Galena Summer"
Size: 36.5"x10"- Edition: 500

Price:$100.00 unframed

    ga_122.jpg (18747 bytes) "Main Street, Galena"
Size: 22"x8"- Edition: 950

Price:$65.00 unframed


    "Autumn on the Cobblestone Street"

Giclee print
Size: 17"x17.5"

Price: $85.00 unframed



    "High School Steps, Galena"
Size: 12"x17.5"- Edition: 950

Price: $65.00 unframed


    South Bench Street.jpg (65128 bytes) "South Bench Street"
Size: 14.5"x13.5"- Edition: 950

Price: $65.00 unframed


"Winter Gateway to Galena"
Size: 22"x9"- Edition: 500

 $65.00 unframed

    horseshoe.jpg (34841 bytes)  

"Galena from Horseshoe Mound"
Size: 21"x11"- Edition: 950

Price:  $65.00 unframed

    ga_gazebo.jpg (18014 bytes)

"Winter in Grant Park"
Size: 15"x9"- Edition: 950

Price:  $50.00 unframed



"The Johnson Block"
Size: 16.5"x 9.25"- Edition: 100

Price: $8500 unframed



"South Main Street, Galena"
Size: 23"x 8"- Edition: 100

Price:- $85.00 unframed


"Main Street from the Gallery
Size: 21"x 7"- Edition: 100

Price: $85.00 unframed


YaHey, cjart@cjart.net or call us at 815.777.1222
Copyright © 2005 Carl Johnson